Administrative law

As part of public law, administrative law includes the entire law of public administration (executive) of the state, in particular the authorities and corporations under public law.

Administrative law is divided into general and special administrative law.

General administrative law is regulated in particular in the Federal Administrative Procedure Act (VwVfG) or the respective state administrative procedure laws (e.g. BayVwVfG, HmbVwVfG) for the state authorities. General administrative law deals with the general principles of administration such as the administrative procedure, the forms of administrative action (administrative act, legal regulation, statutes, public law contract, etc.) or the organization of administration. The general provisions of administrative enforcement are also part of general administrative law.

Special administrative law regulates specific areas of public administration. The regulations of special administrative law supplement or modify the regulations of general administrative law in order to meet the different factual and subject-specific requirements of the respective administrative area.

Zum besonderen Verwaltungsrecht gehören unter anderem

  • Police law
  • Construction law
  • Environmental law
  • Commercial administrative law
  • Civil service law
  • Social law
  • Tax law
  • Road traffic law


The special administrative law is regulated in a large number of different individual laws – depending on the distribution of competences – at the federal or state level. Special administrative law – like general administrative law – is also characterized by a large number of European law regulations that may displace national law.

On the following pages we will try to provide you with as much information as possible about the basic principles of administrative law

We also recommend the following pages on the subject of administrative law: