associated with a property.
Condominiums are also considered real estate, so real estate law deals with the purchase and sale of condominiums. This is regulated in the condominium law in the Condominium Act (WEG). Problems can often arise in this area and should be resolved before the purchase contract is concluded. A connection to the homeowners’ association can last for many years and ultimately only be terminated through a sale. In order to avoid future inconveniences, reserves and the administrative situation, for example, should definitely be checked in advance.
associated with a property.
However, real estate law is not only limited to the classic transactions such as the acquisition, sale, leasing and renting of a property, but also includes topics such as real estate funds, real estate investment trusts (REITs), securitization models, non-performing loans and PPP models and privatization.
Am häufigsten kommt das Immobilienrecht jedoch bei dem Kauf und der Veräußerung einer Immobilie zur Anwendung.
The crucial regulations in real estate law that relate to the purchase of a property and apply in particular to the conclusion of a purchase contract are contained in the contract law provisions of the Civil Code. The transfer of ownership or granting of a right to a property, on the other hand, is regulated by the property law norms of the Civil Code.
Real estate law is also determined at the federal level by, among other things, the Building Code (BauGB), the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV), the Renewable Energy Heat Act (EEWärmeG), the Condominium Ownership Act (WoEigG) and the Broker and Property Developer Ordinance (MaBV). At the state law level, real estate law includes, among other things, the state building regulations, the monument protection law, neighboring law and state law.
On the following pages we will try to provide you with as much information as possible about real estate law.
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