According to Section 121 Para. 3 ZPO, within the scope of the approval of legal aid, a lawyer who is not admitted to the trial court can only be assigned if this does not result in further costs. According to a resolution of the Third Senate of July 18, 2005 (- 3 AZB 65/03 -), this regulation applies in the labor court procedure in accordance with. § 11 a Abs. 3 ArbGG application. Its meaning should be transferred to this procedure. This means that in labor court proceedings, instead of the lawyer’s admission to a specific court, the focus must be on his residence at the location of the court. The appointment of an external legal representative can therefore only take place if this does not result in additional costs. The appointment of an external legal representative can therefore only take place if this does not result in additional costs. There is no need for a reference (§ 139 ZPO) to this restriction because it is common practice and generally known among the lawyers to be appointed. However, a lawyer’s travel costs are reimbursable from the state treasury to the extent that the costs of a traffic lawyer are saved. This follows from Section 121 Para. 4 2. Alt. ZPO.