A. Law of the employment relationship
I. Working conditions
- 1. working hours
- 2. Right to part-time work
- 3. Change in working conditions
II. Claims from the employment relationship
- 1. Compensation
- 2. Working time
- 3. Non-Compete Agreements
- 4. Partial retirement
- 5. Repayment of training costs
- 6. Damages
- 7. Managing director liability
- 8. Pre-foundation liability
- 9. Obligation to release
- 10. Personnel file
III. Protection against discrimination and promotion of opportunities
- 1. Gender
- 2. Severe disability
- 3. Age
IV. Termination of employment relationships
- 1. Termination agreement
- 2. Time limit
- 3. Resolving condition
- 4. Termination
- 5. Severance payment – “turbo bonus”