Responsibility of the general works council

The central works council has original responsibility according to Section 50 Para. 1 Sentence 1 BetrVG for the handling of matters that affect the entire company or several companies and cannot be regulated by the individual works councils within their companies. According to a resolution of the First Senate of November 14, 2006 ( 1 ABR 4/06 ), the general works council is assumed to be responsible for concluding a general works agreement for several companies, which is intended to regulate the introduction and use of a data processing system. If the employer aims to enable cross-company data exchange between different companies and between these and third parties by introducing such a system, a uniform cross-company regulation is absolutely necessary. If the general works council is responsible for concluding such a works agreement, it is not just limited to a framework authority. Within a co-determination situation, the matter requiring regulation cannot be divided into parts that fall under the responsibility of the general works council and those for which the local works councils are responsible.