Sports law is not an independently regulated area of law, but rather includes a large number of legal provisions that are related to sports. Sports law regulations can be found in both private law and public law.

Sports law not only affects the regulations on professional sports, in which economic and commercial interests play a particular role, but also all amateur sports.

Sporting competitions and sporting regulations should generally be left to the participants in the sport, i.e. the athletes themselves. The legal relationships between athletes, clubs, associations and other parties involved in sports law are therefore primarily based on the statutes of the sports clubs and sports associations in the respective sports. Sports law disputes are often brought before sports courts. These are not state courts, but rather institutions set up specifically by the sports associations, which in particular interpret the sporting regulations set out in the statutes.

In addition to the Sports Promotion Act, public sports law includes all public law provisions that affect sport, such as building law or neighboring law regulations, which regulate special features relating to sports facilities.

Gegenstand von Auseinandersetzungen im Sportrecht sind regelmäßig folgende Bereiche:

  • Sports liability law
  • Contract drafting in sports law
  • Advertising / sponsorship in sports law
  • Sports promotion
  • Doping
  • Match fixing
  • Sports licenses
  • Copyright issues in sports law (e.g. sports broadcasting
  • International sports law


On the following pages we will try to provide you with as much information as possible about the basics of sports law.

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