The subject of the lawyer’s work in tenancy law is the legal questions and disputes associated with the tenancy agreement. The parties make a long-term commitment to tenancy law, primarily by concluding rental agreements for commercial or residential property. It is advisable for landlords and tenants alike to always have the rental agreement checked in advance by a lawyer experienced in tenancy law.
Tenancy law is regulated by law in particular by the following regulations:
- Civil Code (§§ 535 ff. BGB).
- Housing Binding Act (WoBindG)
- Second Calculation Ordinance (II. BVO)
- New Building Rent Ordinance (NMV)
- Second Housing Construction Act (II. WoBauG).
Seit dem 1. Januar 2002 gilt für preisgebundenen Wohnraum das
- Housing Promotion Act (BGBl I 2001, 2376).
Among the menu items:
You will find information on the topics prepared by lawyer Steinwachs. Of course, this cannot replace the advice of a lawyer specializing in tenancy law.
Since tenancy law has become complicated even for lawyers due to unclear legislation and state-specific court decisions, in the event of a dispute you cannot do without assistance from a lawyer who is experienced in tenancy law. As a tenant or landlord at STEINWACHS, you can benefit from the experience of your lawyer – especially with the topic of termination in tenancy law.
The STEINWACHS team in Hamburg and Berlin works in all areas of tenancy law. Your advice in Hamburg and Berlin will be provided by a lawyer who is experienced and successful in tenancy law.
Read everything about the topic in our tenancy law blog!